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Medical Disclaimer:

Eat Well, Live Well with Spinal Cord Injury discusses health care issues associated with spinal cord injuries (SCI).  

The information provided in this book is not meant to offer medical diagnosis or advice, or substitute for medical or other professional health care treatment.

Many of the recommended vitamin, mineral and other nutrient dosages are higher than traditional recommended daily allowances (RDAs) and dietary reference intakes (DRIs).  RDAs are defined as the average daily dietary intake level that is sufficient to meet the nutrient requirements of nearly all healthy individuals.  These intake levels, however, fail to address disease prevention, optimal nourishment and individual differences and needs, including those with chronic health conditions such as SCI.  Studies also indicate that because adults with chronic SCI tend to have poor dietary patterns and nutrient deficiencies, coupled with their high prevalence of secondary health complications, they can have increased nutrient requirement levels above RDAs and DRIs. Therefore, this book often recommends higher therapeutic supplement dosages to provide necessary nourishment and health. 

The nutritional information and recommendations in each chapter are intended to provide you with a foundation

of nutritional knowledge and helpful tips and strategies that you can use to complement your existing health care routine. 

We strongly advise that you consult with your medical or health care practitioner before starting the dietary changes and/or supplements which are outlined in this book, as well as discuss any possible drug-nutrient interactions.  Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of any material you have read in this book.


The authors disclaim all responsibility for any liability, injury, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as

a consequence, directly or indirectly, from the use or application of any of the contents of this book.

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